

The Secret life of monsters is the first collective mixed reality experience in the world. This experience aims to allow between 50 up to 200 players to play simultaneously. We use new technologies to allow anyone to access to the experience in a consistent way, regardless of the generation of devices used.

This is made possible by the use of new 5G infrastructure and a decentralized server architecture of Cloud Gaming Streaming Service and possibly edge base stations. This will have the effect of transferring the burden of data processing to our servers while maintaining optimal data throughput and latency level thanks to 5G. We will be able to offer an experience with unparalleled graphic quality that will be live-streamed to every mobile devices in a consistent way.

This architecture also allows us to deliver the experience using a thin client (mobile web application) which does not require installing a dedicated application on participants' phones, greatly lowering the barrier of entry for participants.

Each connected phone will spawn a wisp-like light in the other world. The monster from the Monstrocope will also be visible in this universe, in its native environment, and in all its facets since it will be possible for participants to physically walk around the monster.

This universe is a 1:1 reproduction of the real environment, but in a different reality. This is possible by integrating mesh from previously captured geomatics data of the space. We use a state-of-the-art geomatic laser measure the environment with extreme precision.

This universe is a 1:1 reproduction of the real environment, but in a different reality. This is possible by integrating mesh from previously captured geomatics data of the space. We use a state-of-the-art geomatic laser measure the environment with extreme precision.

This experience will be geofenced around the Monstroscope. A heavy black mist will extend to infinity beyond the playable zone.